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Lotus Property Services, Inc.
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8 Ways to Make Your Arcadia Rental More Secure

Arcadia property owner drilling new lock into house front door.

Want more renters to look at your Arcadia rental property? One of the best ways to get more interest is by making your rental more secure.

When renters look at a potential place to live, they look at more than just the layout and the aesthetics of your place. They also pay attention to the security features installed. People want to feel safe in their homes, whether they are leasing them or not.

And with a person’s chances of becoming a victim of a property crime in Arcadia being 1 in 43, it just makes sense to protect your property and tenants as much as possible.   

In this article, you’ll learn eight different ways to make your rental property in Arcadia more secure and attract more tenants.

1. Change the Locks After Each Tenant

Many landlords tend to just collect keys from their previous tenants at the end of a lease. However, this may not be the best way to keep your next tenants safe.

You never know how many keys to your property are floating around. Your previous tenant may have made copies and given them to friends or just to have as a spare. They may have lost a key or two during their lease as well.

To ensure nobody has a key to your property anymore, it’s a good idea to change the locks. While it may seem unnecessary and expensive, it’s essential for securing your property.

2. Check Doors and Windows

Before you list your property to find a new tenant, it’s important to check the doors and windows during your routine inspection. Make sure they close correctly, and the locks work.

A door with a tricky lock or one that isn’t very secure can cause some tenants to be wary of leasing your property. The same goes for windows, especially if the property is located on the first or second floor of a building.

3. Install Keyless Entry Locks

We live in this wonderful age of technology where we don’t even need physical keys to get into our homes anymore. Now you can install keyless entry locks with keypads on the door for your tenants.

There are quite a few benefits to this advanced security measure. Firstly, you’ll never get a call from your tenant when they are locked out of the property because they forgot or lost their key. They just simply have to put the code into the door, and they can enter.

Another benefit is that you can easily change the code to the door when tenants move out. Therefore, you save money because you don’t have to replace the lock entirely and get new keys.

California property owner checking home security status on their cell phone.

4. Get Security Cameras

Installing security cameras on your property may sound a bit excessive but hear us out. Smart doorbells like Ring are excellent security features that many people find useful. This doorbell has a camera in it so people can see who is at their door and talk to them even if they aren’t home.

Also, if you put security cameras on the exterior of your property, it can deter criminals from breaking into it. If they see the cameras, they are less likely to try to enter the property.

5. Motion-Activated Lights

While we’re on the topic of security features on the exterior of your property, let’s talk about motion-activated lights. This is a great way to keep your property secure and tenants feeling safe, especially if they come home late at night.

Nobody wants to walk up to their front door at night in the dark as they search for their keys. With a motion sensor light, they can feel safe and easily enter their home. A light will also keep criminals away because they can’t hide in the dark.

6. Monitored Security System

Putting an alarm system in your property is yet another way to make it more secure, especially if it’s monitored.

This allows tenants to set the alarm when they are out of the house or sleeping and still feel safe. With the monitoring service, they will be alerted if someone enters the house without turning the alarm off.

As a landlord, you can always have security monitoring as an option for your tenants if you they want to pay for the service. So, you don’t have an extra expense, but your tenants have a choice of their security level.


Arcadia property owner setting alarm code in California home.

7. Allow Dogs and Other Pets

There are tons of renters who have dogs that make them feel safer in their homes. A whopping 72% of renters own a pet, which means there are more potential tenants for you to lease your property to. Millennials, which make up a huge part of the renter market, are likely to have pets as well.

If you’re worried about a pet destroying your property, you can always ask the tenant to make a separate security deposit to have their animal with them. This money can then be used to repair any damages, like replacing the carpet, due to the animal.

8. Require Renters Insurance

Another effective way to protect your tenants and yourself while they live in your Arcadia rental property is to require renters insurance. This policy will protect your tenants’ belongings in case of break-ins, fires, flooding, and more.

It also protects you from some liability issues, which can get pretty messy in some situations. If you wish to require renters insurance, add a clause to your lease and state how much coverage the tenant should have.

Secure Your Property and Tenants with Lotus Property Services

Are you looking for even more security for your property and investment? Lotus Property Services can help!

As the area’s leading property management company, our top priority is to help owners manage and maintain their rental properties effectively and efficiently. Our team of expert professionals conducts routine inspections, collects rent, manages the finances and more.

It’s never been easier to own a rental property stress-free in Arcadia. Contact us today to see how we can help you secure more tenants and maximize your ROI!

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